
Collingwood College has two wonderful playgroups that run each week for the youngest members of our community.

Collingwood Steiner Playgroup

Collingwood Steiner Playgroup is a warm and friendly environment, we welcome parents and children from birth to five years.

Session times:

We run 2 playgroup morning sessions on
  • Tuesday       9:30-11.30am (Maya Starr)
  • Thursday     9.30- 11.30 am (Martine Sproule-Carroll)

Reggio Emilia Inspired Playgroup – an Introduction

Our playgroup is inspired by Reggio Emilia, a region of Italy that educates their young in a manner that resonates with many around the world. In essence, each child is deeply respected as joining the group with knowledge, ideas and valuable contributions.  We endeavour to provide an environment to learn, discover, experiment, investigate, express and PLAY. Together we look and listen for the many voices of children to then provide more opportunities for them to express themselves.

Each WEDNESDAY, during school term, we have a drop in style session from 9:30am – 12:30pm, meaning that families are welcome anytime in that period for as long as they are able or wish to stay. We have a morning tea of fruit and cheese at 10:00 and soup at 11:30. We ask each family, each week, to bring a piece of fruit and a vegetable to contribute to the group.

Programmed activities are laid out and ready for the children to explore (it might be making mud or water play, making beads for threading or making music on xylophones). Frequently the activities are messy and we recommend you bring a spare change of clothes (though we do provide smocks). Observing and reflecting on the children and their weekly adventures inspires the activities planned for the following week. Our adventures are documented with photos and some are put in our Day Book for the children and carers to reflect upon throughout the year.

There is a small fee of $20 each term to cover materials for activities for the playgroup (from playdough ingredients to stepping stones) and to cover the cheese, tea, and soup stock each week. This can be paid in cash on your first visit. If there is any financial difficulty with the fee payment please let us know. We further request that each family help with set-up (9-9:30am) or pack-up (12-12:30pm) four times per term. And it is a requirement that each family is a member of Playgroup Victoria which provides us with insurance – Playgroup Victoria membership is $25/$15 annually.

For more information, please contact:

Currently the Program is not running.


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