School Notebook Program 2021

The School Notebook program at Collingwood College is aimed at improving student’s access to the ever-developing technologies available in order to provide the best possible level of education. ICT has become an essential part of many people’s lives both in work and at home, and education needs to reflect this in the way that we prepare students for the challenges they may face when entering the workforce.

Collingwood College will be offering the choice of two devices for the 2021 School Notebook Program as detailed below. These can be purchased through the College via Compass or directly through the office.

Payment Options

Below are several the payment options for purchasing a lap top through the College. Lap tops may be ordered at anytime throughout the year and generally take 1- 2 weeks to arrive and be set up ready for student use.

  1. Total cost paid in full at the office or on Compass at time of checkout.
  2. Payments are accepted via BPay, debit/credit card, cash
  3. Total cost on a payment plan is broken down into an individual payment plan that suits the family requirements. Please contact the front office if you wish to discuss this with Accounts Receivable. Please be advised that this is a confidential transaction.

* Factory image will be applied when the student leaves the program (Windows 10 Academic)

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why do we need notebook computers? After all, the school has resources and many students have access to a computer at home. 
    We would like all students to have access to a computer as a tool to support their learning at school and at home to ensure digital learning opportunities are always accessible. The access to computers at home may not include the essential software we use on a daily basis in school.
  • What software will be used?
    All appropriate software currently licensed by the school will be added to the notebooks. The eduSTAR standard operating environment that is developed by DET will also be included on the device as a component of this initiative.

Questions about daily usage in the classroom

  • Will you keep us informed about the integration of notebooks into the curriculum? How?
    By initiating this notebook program, we are increasing the range of mediums we can employ to inform both yourselves and your young learners about our curriculum. We will have regular updates to parents/carers through our parent portal Compass and through an electronic newsletter. We are planning a student video to showcase the work the students produce in 2015 via the notebooks.
  • Will you evaluate learning outcomes differently?
    The school notebook program will enable students to tackle learning outcomes differently, catering for a greater range of intelligences and skill sets.  It will also provide a greater range of assessment and feedback tools to teachers. Teachers will be able to develop curriculum that allows them to comprehensively assess students against the Australian/Victorian Essential Learning Standards ICT Domain.  Students will make significant and sequential progress in this area from 7-10 and will be assessed accordingly. Reporting will reflect this change.
  • How will you train the teachers?
    We already have ICT as a core part of the professional development structure for Teachers. This will be aligned with the use of the notebooks in the classroom.
  • Will students need headphones for use with their notebook in class?
    Yes, students will be expected to use headphones on occasion. Basic headphones can be easily purchased at a very reasonable cost. Due to OHS concerns the college is unable to provide shared headphones.

Questions about loss of skills

  • If students are using a keyboard all the time, when will they work on their handwriting skills?
    Protocols about the use of the notebooks and the OH&S recommendations about the appropriate use of notebooks and time spent on the keyboard are being developed. These protocols will be shared and implemented throughout the school to ensure that students are using the notebooks as one of a whole suite of tools to facilitate their learning.
  • Aside from word processing and accessing data, what advantage is there in using notebooks for other areas of the curriculum, such as mathematics, science and history?
    There are a range of ways in which students can engage with Web 2.0 tools. Notebooks will open up opportunities to all students in all learning areas. Collaboration with audiences beyond the classroom to work towards finding solutions to problems, writing for an authentic purpose, for a global audience will allow students to engage with 21st Century learning. Building Wikis, sharing knowledge and finding answers to questions will be just a few of the ways in which this unprecedented access to ICT will enhance the students’ learning experiences.
  • Don’t computers isolate kids?
    Perhaps once, but now computers are tools to establish links, to meet new learners and establish networks beyond the school context. Balance again will be the key and the protocols that are being developed will set clear and necessary guidelines to ensure that the time spent building online connections will not be at the expense of the classroom relationships. Pedagogy and best practice use of ICT will drive the types of interactions in the classroom.
  • What about the students’ writing skills?
    Students have never been such prolific writers as they are today. Their online culture and the participatory nature of this environment sees writing elevated beyond speech in a way that has not been the case in teen culture before this. The challenge will be to assist students to shape their public writing, to understand the protocols that they need to write in this space and to develop collaborative writing skills. These are new areas that will require teachers to develop their practice in new ways, but these writing skills will be vital as students move into their futures.

Computer use at home and at school

  • What level of security do you need to regulate student browsing of the Internet?
    At Collingwood College we regulate Student Internet access as agreed in the Safe Connections Agreement. This covers all devices in school including accessing the Internet through the school network. This does not cover devices accessing the internet via personal mobile data. We recommend the use of a filter at home as we cannot regulate student browsing outside of our network.
  • Can we charge the machines in class?
    No, students are expected to bring the machine fully charged to school each day. The classrooms have limited power outlets and the charge cables represent a tripping hazard. This is not negotiable.
  • What happens if my child forgets his/her machine?
    An expectation of this program is that every student brings the notebook fully charged every day. A student forgetting the notebook would be the equivalent of forgetting any other essential tool such as a workbook or pencil case.  Once-off occurrences will be dealt with by the teacher and alternative arrangements would be made.  However, repeat occurrences would need to be dealt with at class room and Learning Community level.
  • Can my child go on any website?
    The same strict protocols for ICT use that are currently in place and that students are made aware of through the Safe Connections Agreement will remain in place. The DET Firewall will deny students’ access to websites that DET has classified as not having an educational purpose or as not being safe for students to use when at school.

NOTE: Students are not under the same strict conditions at home with regard to the Firewall but will be under the same Acceptable Use Agreement. This will need to be supervised closely by families.

Insurance and payment options

  • What does the insurance cover?
    The insurance covers accidental damage. It does not cover theft, loss or malicious damage.  Families should ensure that your home insurance policy cover these issues.
  • What doesn’t it cover?
    The insurance does not cover loss, theft or malicious damage. A computer that has been maliciously damaged, lost or stolen will be the responsibility of the parent/career/student to have repaired/replaced. This may be organised with Acer through the school provided that a $50 warranty fee is paid along with the full cost of repairs or replacement computer.  Any dispute will be determined by the Principal.
  • Is there a charge for a claim for accidental damage?
    There are charges outlined as per the insurance PDS. The 2021 program has a $0 excess for up to 1 claim per year. At the time a claim is processed we will advise if there are any additional charges that may be incurred. This must be paid to the office prior to the computer being returned to the student.  In the case of malicious damage, the total cost of repairs must be paid to the office prior to repairs being undertaken.
  • How do I claim?
    A signed statement is required from a parent/career in the event of accidental damage.
  • Is there a number I call or does the school claim?
    The school processes all claims.
  • What if can’t afford to pay the instalments?
    Please contact the Principal to discuss options.
  • What happens if I leave Collingwood College prior to making the final instalment?
    Please discuss this at the time with the school Principal.
  • Please consult the insurance provider’s PDS for more information


  • Student lockers may be inadequate for storing notebooks safely. How will you deal with this problem?
    Students are provided with lockers and combination locks can be purchased through the school or from a retailer. Students are expected to keep their combination or keys secure and not to share these with others.  We recommend secure locks.
  • How do we ensure the personal safety of the students carrying these valuable items in public?
    The notebook will be carried in a small over-the-shoulder bag. This has been purchased so that it is also able to be carried within a satchel/backpack.
  • What does my child do with the computer when playing sport or going on an excursion?
    If the excursion is for a full day, the machine can be left at home. During Sport or if an excursion is for less than a full day students will be able to store the notebook in their own lockers. Students are expected to take their notebook home at the end of each school day.

Technical Frequently Asked Questions

  • What about backing up machines?
    Students need to backup their files to the cloud or external storage such as a USB or portable hard drive. Students will also be encouraged to use an online storage space like ‘Google Drive’ for important files.
  • Do the machines have a webcam?
  • What happens if the battery runs low?
    The battery should not run low during a normal school day if the notebook has been fully charged the night before. If the battery is not holding its charge a replacement battery can be ordered. This is usually covered by the device’s warranty.

Software selection and use

  • What software is included with the machine?
    All the essential educational tools required to equip students with the technology to succeed in using ICT to promote learning. This includes Windows 10, Microsoft Office and the eduSTAR education suite.
  • What are your educational learning intentions of each class, and will the software support these objectives?
    The learning intentions of each class are set by the Teacher. The notebook and software will be used as a tool to support the learning intentions and enrich the success criteria.
  • Does the software have the capability to support both your present and future hardware needs?
    The notebook is more than capable of meeting the demands of the students. We are working to a three year life-cycle for the notebooks.
  • What if my child wants to put a different operating system on?
    The notebook is supplied with an operating system that works with our network. We would require our students to keep the operating system that is installed or upgraded to in the future.
  • Can we add our own software?
    Students can add their own software through negotiation with our IT team. They must ensure that the software respects and aligns with the Student Acceptable Use Policy and Student Code of Conduct.


  • Who will be servicing the notebooks?
    The notebooks are primarily serviced with our suppliers support with devices to be assessed and serviced at school.
  • How long will it take to complete repairs and have a notebook back to the student?
    • Software repairs are generally carried out within 1 school working day.
    • Hardware repairs are generally carried out within 1 week depending on the severity of  the issue and availability of parts.
    • Students will still have access to school based computer labs and notebooks.
  • How do you decide if a repair is a warranty claim?
    If there is any uncertainty, the school will lodge a service call with our supplier. If they advise that the machine has been accidentally damaged the school will organise repairs.  Please check the PDS regarding any additional charges.  Malicious damage is not covered through the machine’s warranty.

Printing and Charging

  • What provisions will there be for printing?
    Students are able to print to the Library Photocopier. They will be able to add the drivers for home printers as well; please see the IT department if you require assistance.
  • Will there be places to charge the battery?
    Students will be expected to bring the notebook to school each day fully charged. This is not negotiable.


  • What security and virus-checking procedures will be implemented?
    The DET eduSTAR standard operating environment has virus and malware protection. This is installed on all school computers.
  • How often will virus-checking programs be upgraded?
    The anti-virus software we are providing is dynamic and constantly updating to ensure our network is protected.

Cabling and network topology

  • Will the machines use wireless connectivity? The machines will connect to the EduSTAR.NET wireless network. This is a secure wireless technology provided by DET to all State schools.

Further Questions and Queries

Please contact the on 03 9417 6681 with any further questions.

Previous Insurance PDS Documents

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