First Aid Information and Resources

Welcome to Collingwood College school community.  Within this page, we would like to provide you with information about our school protocols in the area of first aid and appropriate resource links.

Our school works in partnership with parents and guardians of our students with ongoing and/or occasional medical needs following the policies and resource guidelines from Department of Education and Training Victoria.

Therefore it is with the upmost importance that parents and guardians provide the correct and in-date medical documentation and information directly to the school (submitted to our office staff for processing) as well as all in-date medicines needed at the start of each school year, or when a medical issue is diagnosed.

Updated medical plans for Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes and other medical conditions to be provided by your treating Doctor.

Please check the review date on your child’s plans, and ensure the plans are in date, in colour and with students’ current passport sized photo attached. All medicines are to be labelled with the students name, in-date and in original packaging.

Please provide any new plans directly to the office staff for processing, including the medicines. Our Office staff can colour photocopy your plans if needed and print out a colour plan if required to take to your Doctor.

Resources for parents and guardians:


  • In date colour printed ASCIA Action plan provided by your Doctor with current passport sized photo of the student.
  • ASCIA plans have a review date by your Doctor, which needs to be adhered to. It is a yearly review.
  • In date Epi-pen labelled with students name. Primary students medication will be kept in an accessible/labelled medical box with their plan in the students’ classroom & taken to all specialists and excursions by their teacher. Parents and guardians are expected to change over the school-based Epi-pen before is it out-of-date for an in-date Epi-pen.
  • High school students may carry their pen on them in a heatproof carry bag. However we need to be shown this pen and where the student keeps it & take note of the use-by date. It needs to be accessible to all.
  • In date antihistamines in original packaging if required
  • Colour ASCIA Action plans are available to download at
  • You can signup at for free yearly reminders about your Epi-pen expiry dates
Not for profit organization that provides information, training and emotional support about allergies, with food alerts, labelling, support for parents and more.
A&AA provides translations to assist with managing the risk of anaphylaxis that arise in day to day living with severe allergies.


The Asthma Foundation of Victoria in consultation with the Department of Education, Catholic Schools and Independent Schools, have developed children’s service and school specific Asthma Action Plans. This is to meet the needs of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2007 and the Schools Policy Advisory Guide.

These plans are designed to complement the child’s Asthma Management Plan, whether it be the National Asthma Council’s Asthma Action Plan, or Asthma Australia’s Asthma Care Plan in an Education and Care Setting.

The Victoria Asthma Action Plans have been developed to assist staff members identify the student’s asthma signs and symptoms including their severity and what action needs to be taken in regards to administering the child’s asthma reliever medication.

In date colour printed new Victorian Asthma Plan(s), which have superseded any 2017 previous Asthma plan. These are medication and/or spacer specific plans to correlate with each Asthma medication prescribed.

  • Asthma Action plan for schools provided by your Doctor with current passport sized photo of the student.
  • In date medication, such as Ventolin reliever medication (and spacer if required) labelled with students name.
  • Primary students medication will be kept in an accessible/labelled medical box with their plan in the students’ classroom & taken to all specialists and excursions with the teacher. If you require your child to carry their medication on them, please speak to the classroom teacher for school documentation of your decision and its use-by date.
  • High school students may carry their medication. However we need to be shown the medication and where the student keeps it to take note of the use-by date. It needs to be accessible at all times.
  • Colour Asthma Action plans for specific medications and/or their spacers can be downloaded at
  • Information regarding Thunderstorm Asthma
  • Asthma resources in languages other than English


  • We require in date colour printed Diabetes management plan provided by your Doctor. Individual treatment kits (Hypo kits) should be discussed with and provided to the sub-school Leadership team at the start of the year. Management and Action plans are available from The Royal Children’s Hospital Diabetes Department via an online form at
  • Or contact Diabetes Victoria online

Epilepsy and seizures

  • For epilepsy or seizures we require an in date management plan as discussed and provided by your treating Doctor.

Other medical conditions

  • Please provide signed and documented information from your treating Doctor.

Giving medicines (including once off/occasional) during school hours

  • Please discuss medical needs with your classroom teacher beforehand and the times you will require them to send your child to the Office sick-bay for their dosage/s.
  • Fill out/sign our school Authority to Administer Medication Form add required medicines (un-opened packaging & in-date) and lodge these at the OFFICE. Office staff will secure the medicines and file the paperwork.
  • The Office Staff will administer the required dosage of medicine at the Office sick-bay and document the dosage and time given in a Medication Administration Log.
  • Please do not ask a Classroom teacher to administer occasional medicines.

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